Abbas & Co, a seasoned team of lawyers in traffic offences, founded on the principles of technical expertise and premier client service. Our steadfast commitment to client success signifies a collaborative approach, wherein we align with you to steer towards the best possible resolution in your case.
Ihab Jamal
Traffic offences can be minor or significant but very stressful as they can be regarding reckless driving, motor licence, speeding, drinking and driving. We were one of the first firms in NSW to apply for Disqualification Removal Orders, and our solicitors have successfully recovered over 80 licences for our clients.
How can we help?
Our knowledgeable solicitors can represent you in court and assist you in preparing an appeal against the penalty notice or suspension of licence by RMS and the Police.
We aid in obtaining bail and arranging for electronic monitoring (ankle bracelet) as part of the conditions.
We assist clients with Habitual Offender Declarations and applications for Disqualification Removal Orders.
We assist clients charged with driving while intoxicated, drinking and driving, or driving while under the influence of drugs.